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Our team strives to provide the highest level of medical and therapeutic treatments to our clients. We are dedicated to creating an experience of community and fellowship in which each individual's unique needs are determined and met. Our therapists all have Master's level or higher education and training. Each team member specializes in a different therapeutic and recovery technique so that our clients can gain exposure to the full spectrum of treatment.

Our Team

Therapist: Colleen Kelly, M.F.T., M.S.


Colleen Kelly is a marriage and family therapist with private practices in Encino and Irvine, California. She specializes in working therapeutically with couples and families utilizing Emotionally Focused Therapy. Colleen is certified in Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapy, and also serves as adjunct faculty at California Southern University in their Addiction Studies Certificate Program. Underpinning Colleen’s work as a therapist is a long-time personal and professional interest in mindfulness meditation and embodied methods of growth and healing.

Medical Director: Sayeh Beheshti, M.D., M.A.


Doctor Beheshti completed her medical degree at University of California, Irvine (UCI) School of Medicine. She completed her residency in psychiatry at UCI Medical Center. She has been involved in treatment of addiction for many years. She incorporates mindfulness and meditation into her practice as a means of providing a holistic approach to psychiatric treatment and recovery.

Art Facilitator: Jennifer Matthews, B.A.


Jennifer Mathews is a professional artist with a Bachelors in Fine Art from UCLA and an Art4Healing© certification from Chapman/Brandman University. Using her specialized and personal experience, she utilizes the power of art to help people connect with their feelings and find healing. Jennifer came to this understanding as a loved one struggled with substance abuse issues, by studying healing through art, mindfulness meditation, and actively participating in 12-Step recovery groups.

Jennifer's professional goal with HEart HEALS is to assist individuals in finding hope and healing. 

Therapist: Tanya Desloover, L.M.F.T., M.A.


Tanya Desloover is a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, who for the past 10 years has specialized in helping clients and their families recover from the consequences of substance abuse and codependency.  Originally from Seattle, Tanya had 20 years of experience working with families and their children with acute and chronic illness.  She is currently the Clinical Director at a treatment program in Newport Beach, and maintains a private practice.  Tanya is passionate about helping the entire family reconnect as they recover from the debilitating effects of substance abuse. .

Recovery Facilitator: Vincent Jones


Vince began his journey in recovery in 1985. Since then he has dedicated his life to helping others suffering with the diseases of addiction and alcoholism. Vince established and designed the curriculum for a “Back to Basics” study group that is still active and has instructed thousands of individuals in the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). Over the years, Vincent has served several different roles on the board of Orange County AA.


Vincent Jones authored the book Hightower Chronicled, which published in 2001. He also writes and posts daily articles about recovery on his blog

Group Leader: Pat Glavin, B.A.


Pat Glavin founded the Brain Body Challenge, a scientifically based mental fitness program designed to facilitate all aspects of the mind-body integration.  She created the Mind Fitness Fun program to improve and increase brain body connections.  The program involves all aspects of the mind including:  multiple thinking processes, memory, motor skills, stress reduction, balance, self-esteem, creativity, and socialization.  Her goal is to help those recovering from drug and alcohol problems recuperate from existing damage, as well as prevent further mind deterioration.

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